Ever wondered what work experience is like at The Women’s Organisation? In July, 17-year-old Tom undertook a week with the Wo Marketing team. In his own words, here’s what Tom got up to during his week at the Wo.
I got a tour of the workplace, I also saw all the meeting rooms were named after inspirational women as well as also finding out the café is a vegan based café, meaning thy don’t use meat or animal products in their food. I made a tweet which described one of the women named by the meeting room. I also went around the area and building, taking photos for the social media accounts.
I used Canva to create an Instagram post using the photos I took on Monday about the café, I then resized it so it would also fit onto Facebook
I wrote a blog post about a woman I admire. I wrote about Ada Lovelace, who was the first woman to design a computer. I also created a social media graphic to support my blog.
I learnt about CRM and how to edit/make a website, I also helped design a hour’s log for people to sign in on using a tablet. I learnt how to create a google form doc and embedding them into a video, so it pops up at different points. I enjoyed walking around the Baltic triangle and taking pictures as it was fun to see all the artwork and to take the photos themselves as I find photography interesting. I would’ve liked to do more photo work as I see it as a passion of mine and I think I am good at it.
There you have it – a week with The Women’s Org. We loved having Tom on the team and hope to see him again in the future. Think you’d like to work with us? Check our current positions here, or to enquire about voluntary or work experience opportunities email us via hello@thewo.org.uk.