Our marketing team has had quite the shake-up this year. We recently introduced you to Sarah Brown, now meet Leanne Johnson! Leanne started working at The Women’s Organisation in March after deciding she wanted a career change. She brings all the humour, wit and creativity to our Marketing Team and we can’t remember a time without her. From Nandos, to The Big Apple and Primark, read on to find out more about Leanne ..
What’s your full name and where are you from?
Leanne Johnson, I’m from Liverpool.
Tell me how you first found out about The Women’s Organisation and become part of our team?
I first found out about The Women’s Organisation when I was doing some research about the type of role I wanted to go into next. Someone I worked with had also volunteered at the organisation for a few weeks and told me what a nice place it was, so when I saw they were recruiting for a Marketing and Engagement Officer role I thought I’d give it a go! I always wanted to work in marketing, so I applied, got an interview and thankfully got the job!
What kind of things have you done prior to coming to The Women’s Organisation?
I’ve only worked for one other company before this role, I got my first job at Primark at 17 and worked my way up to a Human Resources supervisor before leaving this year! I spent my time there doing lots of varied things like staff training and UK and international store openings. I also graduated from LJMU with an IT & Multimedia Computing degree, where I also took a year out to work full time in a digital creative start-up company. I’ve always wanted to do something a bit more creative and be able to engage people so getting this role has been an absolute dream!
What has surprised you about working at The Women’s Organisation?
I think what surprised me is the high-quality support that The Women’s Organisation offers to people and how just in the short time I’ve been here I’ve already seen how massively our personal development programmes can impact people’s lives, it’s such a great feeling!
From a work point of view, how welcomed I’ve been into the organisation is the best. Within a couple of days, I felt like I’d been here for years, my team is amazing!
What’s the best thing about working at The Women’s Organisation?
The best thing about working here is how valued my opinions have been, not just on my team but throughout the entire organisation. I’ve already been working on several different projects that I’ve been able to really sink my teeth into and know that I’m trusted to get on with it. I also like that my ideas are really going to use and that I’ve got control over the work I do. It’s nice to feel like a valued member of the team and not just another number.
Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
I’m going to be that person but ‘there really is no typical day’.
All of the Marketing & Engagement team work on varied projects and at the moment I’m working on a lot of case studies and blog content for my projects. Daily, I suppose you could probably find me scheduling in relevant content for our social media pages, writing away and general promotion of our services and goings on around the organisation! I’ve also recently started conducting training for ‘Business Blogging for Beginners’ which is very exciting.
I’ve only been here gone 5 months now and I’ve already been involved in so much, some highlights include being part of the planning and live tweeting our awards event in Manchester for my project Excelerate Labs.
What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?
Maybe that I lived and worked in New York for 3 months! What can I say? Metropolitan girl!
What do you do when you aren’t working?
Fine dining (Nandos) and spending time with my loved ones!
Thanks Leanne! We’re delighted to have you here.