When starting your own business, you may face the initial daunting challenge of creating social media. You may ask yourself; ‘What do I include in my Facebook Page?’

Facebook now has over 1.65 billion monthly active users. With this vast amount, it seems highly probable that you will be able to reach out to your target audience just through using Facebook. Social media is used everywhere these days; from teenagers to 60+, it caters for everyone. Ultimately, it has become a widely-populated platform for many businesses.

 Firstly, you will have to choose the type of page you intend to create. This will narrow down your audience. Once you have created this, you will have an ‘About You’ section with 155 characters, so choose wisely! This will feature near the top of your page. It is important to keep it short yet creative to entice visitors to stay on your business page.

Next is the visual side of your page; profile picture! This will feature on any of your posts or publish on your news feed. Make sure your image is aesthetically pleasing. Tip:Square dimensions work best.

The next image you should upload is your cover image. This will appear next to your profile picture as shown below. You can choose a simple image or you can get creative and design your own. There are plenty of free designing websites out there waiting for you to explore! Tip: A great website, ideal for designing Facebook headers, and for FREE is https://www.canva.com/.

 Now you have chosen your photos, lets focus on filling out your profile accurately. To access this section, click on Settings in the top menu bar on your page, then click Page Info. Your name and category will be filled in already. There are some key bits of information to add, such as a description and contact details. These details will appear on the About tab of your Facebook page, therefore it is important that this information is accurate.

You are all set up and ready to post your first post, exciting! You have the option to post a status update, a link, a photo, a video, an event, or a milestone. Tip:Visual content does exceedingly well.

Want to learn more? Enterprise Hub partner, The Women’s Organisation runs a Facebook Business. Details of upcoming courses can be found here