Developing A Healthy Mindset
Thursday 10th September – 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Via Zoom
The webinar will look at:
Key Speaker:
Shazney Spencer
I’m Shazney Spence a Lifestyle, Mindset & Success Coach with a zest for life. I’m the MD Of EQuanimity Lifestyle & Success Coaching Ltd. Founder of The Super Soul Sanctuary, a Soul Coach, Reiki Master, Mental Health Advocate & Public Speaker.
As a Law of Attraction coach. I believe that thoughts become things and that you can create a life of abundance by being intentional in your thought process whilst taking aligned action.
I’m passionate about making a difference in the life of others. I personally develop and empower others to live their best lives by coaching them to gain mental & emotional stability through focused lifestyle coaching, Reiki and mental health consultative support services.
I work with individuals and organisations, personally developing and empowering them, helping them to thrive both personally and professionally.
‘Change It: Renew’ a programme of support to help women across the Liverpool City Region to improve their resilience, coping mechanisms, and mental wellbeing.
For more information or to book a place on this course, please contact our engagement team on 0151 706 8111 or email