Over the past year we’ve supported hundreds of women across Liverpool to reach their full potential, think about their next steps in life and build on that confidence inside them. This week we were delighted to be able to invite some of the women back to join our focus group to have a cuppa and discuss how the ‘Change it’ journey was for everyone…
Held by our ‘Change it’ trainer – Jenny Wallwork, everyone shared how they had been doing since graduating from the programme, some of the women had gone on to start volunteering for organisation like Citizens Advice, some went on to change their job roles and some have even started to think about starting their own business. One of the women has taken steps to academically progress:
“Since Change it, I gave done my maths GCSE and I’m awaiting my results in August! My dream is to start pursuing my business ideas and I’ll be starting my teaching assistant Level 2 in September in Liverpool college”
We love sharing our open letter case studies featuring the amazing women we’ve supported over the past year and we’re able to see the huge impact that ‘Change it’ has on peoples lives. When asked about the impact on their own lives, our group spoke about how it helped reinforce their place in the world and helped them find more out about themselves.
“It’s helped me to become more confident and have the courage to make significant changes and just think about myself, I’m able to look at the positive now and not the negative”
“It has reminded me of my qualities, strengths and helped me gain my confidence back. I know have a ‘I can’ attitude and always consciously thinking positively”
“It has reminded me of my qualities, strengths and helped me gain my confidence back. I know have a ‘I can’ attitude and always consciously thinking positively”
Completing the programme and being able to take away tools and strategies to use in real world situations is important and from the focus group we were able to see some of the basic techniques that had a long-lasting effect such as keeping a diary, having meditation mornings and using the great ‘Stinking Thinking’ method used to banish negative thoughts
Rounding up the focus group, Jenny asked the women one simple question:
“What makes ‘Change it: Progress to Success’ different to all the other personal development programmes you’ve been on?”
“Change it is able to bring together women from all backgrounds, which was great and let me take something away from it”
“You’re able to meet people you don’t know and really open up about your life, sometimes it can be hard to talk to friends or family so it’s a great outlet”
“Its the trainers, you’re not being talked at and you’re able to have your say during the course”
“The course content is so relevant to your life and hits all the right notes. There’s also something really unique and empowering about being in The Womens Organisation building (54 St James Street) it feels like a really great safe environment”
Big thank you for all the participants that attended our focus group, it was great to have a catch up and see what amazing things you’re achieving!
Big thank you for all the participants that attended our focus group, it was great to have a catch up and see what amazing things you’re achieving!
We have a number of Change it programmes going on around Liverpool and have recently added some new dates:
54 St James Street – Tuesday 7th August 2018 (4 sessions)
54 St James Street – Wednesday 12th September 2018 (4 Sessions)
Dingle Childrens Centre -Thursday 20th September 2018 (8 sessions)
Toxteth Firefit Hub – Thursday 20th September 2018 (5 sessions)
Everton Childrens Centre – Monday 8th October 2018 (5 Sessions)