Meet Victoria Hart! One of our newest recruits to the ever-growing training team. You may have already had the pleasure of meeting her on one of our courses. If not, take a read of this get-to-know blog. From Italian food to Batman, read on to find out more about our Victoria – and be sure to say hello next time you see her ..
What’s your full name and where are you from?
My name is Victoria Hart. I was born in Scotland and I have lived in Birkenhead since I was a teenager.
Tell me how you first found out about The Women’s Organisation and become part of our team?
I first heard about The Women’s Organisation through a general chat about women-focussed organisations within the North West with the operations manager at Tomorrows Women Wirral. After researching the organisation, I decided this was the place I wanted to work and kept an eye out for available jobs – this was in 2015! I applied for the training jobs as they became available over the years and it was in March 2018 that I was fortunate enough to get an interview. When I found out I had been successful, I was sitting in a restaurant with my family and I stood up and did a happy dance whilst emphatically accepting the position.
What kind of things have you done prior to coming to The Women’s Organisation?
After graduating from Edge Hill university with my PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training, I went to work in the Justice sector in offender learning with Novus (formerly The Manchester College). I delivered personal social development courses and functional skills English and maths to offenders in the community throughout the North West. Within this role, I also had the opportunity to work at Save the Family in Chester and Tomorrows Women Wirral delivering courses to vulnerable families and women that ranged from parenting classes to gardening to retail.
Unfortunately, due to redundancy this came to an end and I took on a new challenge at PeoplePlus as part of the Group Work clinical trial for the DWP. This role involved delivering an employability intervention to long term unemployed people in Liverpool. It was challenging due to the restrictions of the trial, but also very rewarding. The intervention was motivational and gave the participants a new perspective on returning to work. At the end of this contract I moved into Further Education, delivering BTEC Business Level 2 and ILM Level 2 and 3 to 16 – 18 years olds.
What has surprised you about working at The Women’s Organisation?
I have really been surprised by the range of amazing business ideas. I have heard so many original, forward-looking and eco-friendly ideas from speaking to the women who attend the business support, training and networking events. Each time I have attended an event I am always blown away by the creativeness, passion and energy of the business owners. The entrepreneurs that attend are an inspiration and have really got me thinking about my own ideas.
What’s the best thing about working at The Women’s Organisation?
I have a list as long as my arm for the best reasons to work at The Women’s Organisation. I love the autonomy, trust and freedom from the management. The people who work here are so friendly and everyone believes in what they do. The atmosphere is one of positivity with everyone on the same team! Also, the comradery of the women on the courses – everyone is so supportive of each other, its brilliant.
Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
If it is a training day then I will head straight to the venue where the course is being delivered and set up the room ready for the day. When the learners arrive, we will go through the running order of the course and then start our learning journey. At the end of the day I will spend some time touching base with the keyworkers of the project. On an engagement day I will be meeting other organisations in the community and promoting the Women’s Org courses, making contacts and finding ways of working with others. Or I may be based in the office where I work on creating resources, checking emails and catching up on paperwork.
What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?
That I have two Batman tattoos.
What do you do when you aren’t working?
When I’m not working I enjoy spending time with my husband, two children and the dog! I like to go to Yoga a couple of times a week. I have always enjoyed going to watch live music and can’t wait to see my absolute favourite, Florence and the Machine, in November. As a family we love eating out, with Italian food a firm favourite. I also love to go to the cinema or watch films at home, my favourite era being films produced pre-1960 and the film noir genre.
Thanks Victoria! We love have you in our W.O family.