The way we work is changing. Hybrid working job roles are predicted to rise to 81%. Recent reports show that when job searching, candidates look for employers that have a good work life balance and a ‘positive, diverse, and inclusive’ company culture. Priorities are shifting; therefore our leadership styles, skills, and techniques must shift too.
That leaves us asking the question, what actually makes a good leader in the current working climate? We’ve put together the top 5 leadership skills that professionals should strive towards in the 21st century.
Recognizing and Fostering Potential
When leaders know how to identify and nurture potential in their team, it benefits both the individual and the wider organisation. It can boost confidence, develop talent, and create long-term growth. You can do this by providing access to the right resources and training, mentoring opportunities, and supporting a healthy work-life balance.
Being a positive leader sets the overall tone for a work environment. It has a huge impact on the team’s well being, productivity, and overall success. Ways to create healthy positivity in the workplace includes celebrating successes, whether they are big or small. Cultivating a growth mindset will also help you see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. These methods will help motivate yourself and influence your team.
However, when positivity becomes too overbearing, it can easily trickle into toxic positivity. It’s important to remain realistic as a leader. Learn more about toxic positivity here and how to avoid it.
Conflict Resolution
Unfortunately, conflict is a natural human experience, especially in the workplace. Projects can fail or underperform. Personalities and working styles can clash. A good leader knows how to avoid conflict when possible but can also resolves issues when they arise. It’s important to be level-headed, unbiased, and know how to reach fair solutions.
The world of work and business is always changing, therefore being flexible is crucial. Having this specific skill as a leader can make you adaptable, resilient, and a good problem solver. It can also boost team morale and productivity. When you are flexible, it allows you to be open to new ideas, strategies, and approaches to work and empowers team members to think outside the box. Promoting flexibility through work-life balance is also essential is today’s job market.
Decision Making
Having the confidence to make well rounded, thought out, and clear decisions is a cornerstone of good leadership. A way to do this is by evaluating multiple options, involving your team in discussions, assessing risks, and make sure whatever route you choose aligns with your values and principles. Good decisions establish goals, set priorities, and overall direction for staff.
Being a good leader won’t happen overnight. Like anything, it’ll take conscious effort and practice to build the soft skills needed to effectively inspire and lead a team. Focusing on these top 5 leadership skills is a great way to kickstart your journey and creating meaningful impact in the world of work.
Leadership Skills Training
Here at The Women’s Organisation, we run a range of leadership development courses for people in the Liverpool city region. Our next session is Stepping Into Management L2. Secure your place HERE to build your future leadership toolkit.